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Studying in the United Kingdom dated back to 1992 when I was 11, finishing primary 5 in Hong Kong and converting to UK year 6 student. Why UK? Fortunately, having parents working for the Hong Kong government, I had education allowance financing us but most importantly England always held a strong reputation for education especially traditional boarding school, which has lead to our hunt began for a school for me.


After a few years of footprint in British boarding school, I would say it wasn't as I thought it would be which really gave me culture shock and lead to home sick, but my parents thought it was the only method for me to grow and groom. I was the only Chinese child in the school for the first 2 years, during this period I really had to battle hard for the language and cultural difference. From the school uniform wearing shorts at 0 celsius to waking up at 6am going for a run or swim and having dinner at 530pm. My boarding life started by sharing a room with 10 other boys having lights off by 830pm to ended up holding responsibility around the school campus. Through out the years as time develop I had to move on from Head of boarding house to a Chinese prefect representing the fellow Chinese community within the school.


Academic during my school life was always fun, the schools always have many subjects on offer from the most interesting to the less so, the atmosphere of studying was great, studying was always a challenge to me, as years gone by, I have manage to complete the follow exam Common Entrance, G.C.S.E, A levels and ended up graduating from The University of Reading. As life develop, I mix very well with the British students and other international students which created friends globally, this has happen due to various reasons via food, sports, hobbies and studying.


Now as an agent walking down that memory lane, this responsibility continues and will always allow me to share my first hand experience to children planning to study in the UK. I would never forget the happiness and appreciate the difficulties in which challenge me and allow me to grow. A special credit must goes to my mum, which has given me the opportunity of a lifetime with her great support. During my studies, I met a friend in school, his mother looked after me very well and treated me as a family member. It seems to be my mother in UK. She even attended to my graduation in 2004. We are still connected today!


Thanks to the Great Britain giving me the mix between East and West, developing me the mix culture, it had really made my childhood and life great!


Gilbert Ho 

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